Aurra Studios presents an independent network of quality UK-based current affairs and history shows from a diverse range of talented creators. Whether it’s the intriguing weave of politics, extraordinary moments in time re-told, or the very best of informed debate, join us to find out what’s happening right now as well as why things happened the way they did.
Our Network Shows
The Troubles
hosted by Oisin Feeney
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The Troubles were a period of time in Northern Ireland which many people today do not know a lot about. In this podcast we will delve into each individual bombing and attack that happened during the 30-year period. This is a non-partisan podcast that focuses solely on the facts and the accounts of the individuals involved.
Whithall Sources
hosted by Calum MAcDonald
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From parties in Westminster to the tactics of SpAds, this is your exclusive insight into how politics is done and how politicians work hosted by Calum Macdonald and top advisers to significant leaders, Kirsty Buchanan and Frankie Leach.
The Line Of Fire
hosted by Ramita Navai
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Emmy and Robert F. Kennedy award-winning British-Iranian investigative journalist Ramita Navai speaks to fellow journalists about facing death, and how it’s changed their perspective on life and the world.