Aurra Announces Dr Philip Ball as ‘Editor in Chief for Science & Technology’ content category

Aurra enters the Science & Technology category with Dr Philip Ball, a leading UK broadcaster and writer, as editor in chief.

Following the launch earlier this year with the How To Grow A Human podcast series, Aurra asked Philip not only to make more shows, but also guide the editorial for the category.  He agreed.

Science & Technology is a very popular category in podcasting and with Philip’s immense experience – having edited Nature magazine, written over 26 books and is a regular broadcaster on the BBC, there are very few people in the UK who are more qualified to deliver some of the most informative and thought-provoking pieces of content on the planet.  Aurra is now in development for a range of exciting content in this category and on the lookout for great shows that would be a good fit for our network and audience.